Deck permissions for the hierarchy Currency deck and Price deck

Deck permissions are available in version 16.5 Update 15 and later.

These security permissions allow for specific access control in each hierarchy, and they will be applied in addition to the role-based access control for currency decks and price decks.

There are two types of permissions which can be set. Node permissions control how the deck is managed within the hierarchy.Document permissions control access to the content of the currency deck or price deck.

For version 16.5 Update 17 and later: The Document permissions for prices are applied individually to Price Groups within the hierarchy price deck.

For Update 15 and Update 16: The Document permissions for prices are applied to the hierarchy price deck.

Node permissions

To manage the node permissions, open the permissions editor by selecting the currency deck (or price deck), and clicking the Permissions button in the Home tab on the ribbon, or right-clicking the deck and selecting Permissions.

Permissions can be assigned to users and/or workgroups.

The permissions are:

  • Read: User/workgroup can open the deck
  • Update: User/workgroup can replace the deck, or rename the deck
  • Assign: User/workgroup can modify the permissions settings

The Delete permission is not used (fixed setting).

The View Effective Permissions tab in the editor can be used to check the actual node permissions that will apply to one user account, based on the cumulative Allow/Deny permissions for the user and all workgroups.

Document permissions

Price Deck permissions are used in version 16.5, Update 15 and Update 16. The permissions are replaced by Price Group permissions in Update 17 and later - see below.

To manage the document permissions, the currency deck (or price deck) must be opened for editing.

Open the document permissions editor by clicking the Permissions button in the Currency Deck Home tab (or Price Deck Home tab) on the ribbon.

Permissions can be assigned to users and/or workgroups.

The permissions are:

  • Update: User/workgroup can edit the content of the deck
  • Assign: User/workgroup can modify the permissions settings

The Read and Delete permissions are not used (fixed settings).

The View Effective Permissions tab in the editor can be used to check the actual document permissions that will apply to one user account, based on the cumulative Allow/Deny permissions for the user and all workgroups.

Document permissions - Price Groups

Price Group permissions are available in version 16.5 Update 17 and later. They replace the Price Deck permissions used in Update 15 and Update 16.

To manage the Price Group permissions, the price deck must be opened for editing. Then click the Settings tab in the price deck editor, and select one Price Group.

Open the Price Group permissions editor by clicking the Group Permissions button in the Price Group section of the Price Deck Home tab on the ribbon (alternatively, there is an action available in the context menu).

Permissions can be assigned to users and/or workgroups.

The permissions are:

  • Read: User/workgroup can view the Price Group content in both price deck settings and price scenario data; if Read is denied, the price group will be hidden for the user
  • Update: User/workgroup can modify group content or rename the Price Group
  • Assign: User/workgroup can modify the permissions for the Price Group
  • Delete: User/workgroup can delete the Price Group

When a Price Group is added to the deck the current user will be given 'Full Access' permissions.

Note: if price deck Document permissions were configured before the software update to Update 17 (or later update), the permissions will be migrated down to all of the Price Groups.

Note: Price Group permissions are ignored in calculations, i.e., even if the user doesn't have Read permission the price data will still be available to use for the calculation.

If the user doesn't have Read permission for an existing linked price (i.e., the permission has been revoked) then the price name will be blanked out.

The View Effective Permissions tab in the editor can be used to check the actual permissions that will apply to one user account, based on the cumulative Allow/Deny permissions.